C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1988. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Provo, Utah USA. Exit to previous activity. [F1] Display help information. [F2] Perform phrase, proximity or field search. [F4] Set report options. [F6] Edit last command. [F7] Cancel current search. [F8] Display result stack. [F10] Undo last command in the stack. Display current hit list. [F1] Display user-supplied custom help. [F1] Exit to WordPerfect shell. AND, OR & ANDNOT Boolean operators. Examples: ->Jack AND Jill ->Jack OR Jill COMMAND WORDS: Card Dos Report Stack Quiet Cardcount Find Reset Undo Wrap Doc Index Show Wordcount Page 1 of 2 (PgDn for more) (press to exit help) Card Display the text of a specified card. Example: ->card 5 Dos Execute a DOS command or program from inside TextWare. Example: ->dos dir b: Index Display the index on the screen for browsing, study or review. A letter, word or part of a word may be specified as the starting point. Wildcards '*' or '?' may also be used. Example: ->index sam* (For more information please refer to the TextWare manual.) Page 2 of 2 (PgUp for previous) (press to exit help) Result of the previous query is shown in the hit list. Select text to be displayed. Up Arrow Move up one selection. Down Arrow Move down one selection. PgUp Move to top of window. PgDn Move to bottom of window. PgUp Move to top of hit list. PgDn Move to bottom of hit list. Display selected text. Return to search prompt. [F5] Mark or unmark desired cards for printing. Only marked cards will be reported. Mark all cards, clear all card marks or invert all card marks. (press to exit help) Use arrow keys to move through the text. [F2] Move to next highlighted search word. [F5] Mark or unmark card. Only marked cards will be reported. [F8] Activate external process. [F9] Change + - key mode. [F10] Display related card text. Up Arrow Move window up one line when cursor is at top of screen. Down Arrow Move window down one line when cursor is at bottom of screen. PgUp Move up one window. PgDn Move down one window. PgUp Move window to top of text. PgDn Move window to bottom of text. + - Select next (+) or previous (-) card in sequential order. (Press [F9] to change this mode to select cards from hit list.) Report or Edit text. Return to search prompt. (press to exit help) Choose the operation you wish to perform with the previously selected word. Up Arrow Move up one selection. Down Arrow Move down one selection. PgUp Move to top of selection window. PgDn Move to bottom of selection window. Add selection to current query. Exit selection window. (press to exit help) REPORT OPTIONS: Generate Report: Report using selected report options and cards from current hit list. Output To: Select report filename or device. Output Width: Select line width of report. Report Type: Select compressed or full report. Text Display: Select amount of card text to be reported. Text Separation: Select separation between cards of report. Text Card Numbering: Card numbers to be on reported cards? (press to exit help) Select search word for query. Up Arrow Move up one word. Down Arrow Move down one word. PgUp Move to top of selection window. PgDn Move to bottom of selection window. Select highlighted word for query. Exit selection window. (press to exit help) To add characters, position the cursor in the text and start typing. Words will wrap automatically at the end of lines. NORMAL EDITING FUNCTIONS: Up Arrow Move cursor up one line. Down Arrow Move cursor down one line. Left Arrow Move cursor left one space. Right Arrow Move cursor right one space. Left Arrow Move cursor left one word. Right Arrow Move cursor right one word. PgUp Move cursor up one page. PgDn Move cursor down one page. Home Move cursor to beginning of line. End Move cursor to end of line. PgUp Move cursor to first character. PgDn Move cursor to last character. Page 1 of 2 (PgDn for more) (press to exit help) SPECIAL EDITING FUNCTIONS: Exit from editor. [F1] Cancel all changes made during this session. Backspace Delete character to the left. Start a new paragraph. [F5] Begin/End marking a block of text. Marked text will be highlighted. Delete the character at the cursor or the currently marked block. A deleted block is saved, for possible re-insertion later. Insert the last deleted block where the cursor is located. Page 2 of 2 (PgUp for previous) (press to exit help) Phrase searching will search for words in a specified order. Enter the search phrase with the words in the order you wish to find them. Separate the words that make up the phrase with spaces. Press the key to start the search. Press the key to select proximity or field search modes. Press the key to return to the query window. (press to exit help) Proximity search will search for a grouping of specified words within a given number of words of each other - regardless of order. Enter the words you wish to find (each should be separated by a space). Press to start the search. Press to select phrase or field search modes. (press to exit help) To change between phrase, proximity, and field searching, select the mode you wish by using the arrow keys to position the selection bar over the option desired and then pressing followed by . To change the proximity search range, move the selection bar to that option and press . Then enter the number. To change the field search selections, move the selection bar to that option and press . A field search definition window will appear. (press to exit help) Document selection allows the user to specify which documents within a CardFile he or she wishes to confine searches to. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to position the selection bar and then use the [F5] key to mark or unmark the desired documents. Only marked documents will be included in future queries. Also, pressing will allow you to mark all documents, clear all document marks or invert all document marks. will return you to the search prompt. (press to exit help) To view any additional related Cards, press the + and - keys. The Up Arrow, Down Arrow, PgUp and PgDn keys may be used to move through the text. Press to return to the originally selected card. (press to exit help) FIELD DEFINITION: Line number and columns may be used to define a field. FIELD TYPE: Alpha, Numeric, Date and Dollar types may be selected: Alpha: A - Z (not case sensitive) Numeric: #12.12 #-12.12 12.12 -12.12 Date: mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy dd.mm.yy dd.mm.yyyy Dollar: $12.12 <$12.12> 12.12 <12.12> RANGE LIMITS: 1, 20 (1 <= X <= 20) 12, (X >= 12) ,12 (X <= 12) (range limits may be used with all field types) (press to exit help) Field search will search a specified line or a specific portion of a specified line for the information to be searched on. For example, Field 1 would be line 1, Field 5 would be line 5, and Line 2, columns 5 through 15 would be Field 2 5-15. Press the key to select the phrase or proximity search modes or to change field search settings. Press the key to return to the search prompt. (press to exit help) Use the arrow keys to move through the text. [F2] Move to next highlighted search word. [F5] Mark or unmark card. Only marked cards will be reported. [F8] Activate external process. [F9] Change + - key mode. [F10] Display related card text. Up Arrow Move window up one line when cursor is at top of screen. Down Arrow Move window down one line when cursor is at bottom of screen. PgUp Move up one window. PgDn Move down one window. PgUp Move window to top of text. PgDn Move window to bottom of text. + - Select next (+) or previous (-) card from the hit list. (Press [F9] to change this mode to select cards in sequential order.) Report or Edit card text. Return to search prompt. (press to exit help)